the bluebonnet norfolk terrier club
Tips On Living With Your Norfolk
Tip Of The Week
© TBNTC2020
Content is not warranted or endorsed by The Bluebonnet Norfolk Terrier Club but is intended as a reference guide for living with Norfolks. next next previous previous Potty Training Routine: Puppies and dogs thrive on routine. If house training is to be successful, then we must develop a routine that is both manageable for us and the puppy. We have planned to constantly monitor the puppy while he is out of his crate. We have taken him/her outside every 2 hours, after playing and immediately after he wakes and after all meals. It is a good idea to feed your puppy his/her final meal in the early evening and to withhold fluids after the final meal. By doing this you will minimize the number of times you will have to get out of bed at night to take junior out.  More Potty Training Tips: Witnessed accidents: Walk over to puppy calmly, pick him/her up, say a sharp "NO!" and take out side to finish the job. Give the puppy lavish praise when he/she does relieve themselves in the appropriate area. Bring puppy in, put him/her in the crate while you clean up the mess, out of sight. Unwitnessed Accidents: Put puppy in crate as you normally would. No verbal interaction. Clean up the mess. Leave puppy in the crate until the next potty time, we want to be sure that he/she goes in the appropriate place the next time so as to not reinforce the previous transgression.  Corrections and Potty Training: Mistakes will inevitably happen, it is important not to take it personally. The only time you correct a puppy for soiling in the house is if you catch him/her in the act. Period! After a few seconds, puppies do not associate the correction with the behavior. Any strong correction, i.e.: shouting, posturing that is intimidating, physical corrections of any kind will invariably encourage submissive behavior that will result in more accidents.  More on Potty Training: It is important to designate an area of your yard as the toilet area. It does not need to be very large. Your pup will soon associate this place with the appropriate action. Once he is finished his job, remove him out of the toilet area to reduce the chance of play with or eating stool. It is much easier for you to keep this area clean than to hunt all over your yard for piles of feces. Taking the time to do this now will save much time in the future, and reduce damage to your yard from urine burns to lawns and shrubs.  Potty Training: As a general rule of thumb, when your puppy is out and supervised, he should be taken outside to releive himself... Every 2 hours. Immediately upon waking After playing After feeding From the ASPCA:  For many people, overindulging in Valentine’s goodies may result in a few extra pounds—but the consequences for our animal companions are much greater if they accidentally ingest cookies, candy or baked goods containing chocolate. In any form ranging from one-ounce baking squares to hand-dipped truffles, chocolate contains theobromine and caffeine, both methylxanthines that can cause stimulation of the central nervous system, an increase in heart rate and tremors. Clinical signs—vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, hyperactivity, and increased thirst, urination and heart rate—can be seen with the ingestion of as little as two ounces of baking chocolate by a 10-pound dog.  And while sugar-free sweets may be a healthier choice for you, gum or candies made with xylitol can make your pets ill. Dogs who’ve ingested significant amounts may develop a sudden drop in blood sugar, resulting in depression, loss of coordination and seizures. Data from the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center also appears to point to a link between xylitol ingestion and liver failure in dogs.  Please take care this upcoming Valentine’s Day to keep all candy out of your pets' reach—and don't let them in the kitchen unsupervised if you’re baking with chocolate. If you suspect your pet may have eaten chocolate or candies containing xylitol—or any other potentially poisonous substance—call your veterinarian or the APCC's emergency hotline at (888) 426-4435 for round-the-clock telephone assistance. For more information on poison prevention, visit APCC online. Training your new puppy: Try not to change your puppy's diet until after a week or so in his new home. The changes in environment are stressful enough, without adding undue stress on his digestive system with a new food. Chances are it will cause loose and frequent stools that will only complicate the house training process.
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